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Skiroom: A refuge for your ski equipment

At Art Hotel Grandes Murailles, we know how important your ski equipment is and we want to make sure it is stored safely and conveniently during your stay in the Italian Alps. That's why we offer a Skiroom service located in our garage, where you can store your skis and boots without worries.

Why choose our Skiroom service:

  • Free and heated: Our Skiroom is free and heated, ensuring your equipment is warm and ready to use every morning on the slopes.

  • No ski boots in the rooms: To ensure the cleanliness and comfort of the rooms, there is an absolute ban on entering the rooms with ski boots. Our Skiroom is the ideal place to store and dry your boots properly.

  • Convenience: Located in the hotel garage, our Skiroom is easily accessible and convenient to use. You can reach your equipment in just a few steps whenever you want.

  • Safety: The safety of your equipment is our priority. Our Skiroom is a safe and supervised environment, ensuring that everything remains safe during your stay.

  • Organisation: Our Skiroom is designed to be well organised, with dedicated spaces for skis, boots and equipment. You will be able to keep everything in order and easily accessible.

Care and safety for your equipment

When you choose the Art Hotel Grandes Murailles, you don't have to worry about where to store your ski equipment. Our Skiroom offers everything you need to keep your equipment safe, clean and ready for action every day on the slopes.

Not only do we guarantee the safety of your equipment, but we also offer a comfortable and well-organized environment where you can make the most of your skiing experience in the Italian Alps. With our Skiroom, you have a safe base for all your winter adventures.

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1 review for Sit voluptatem

  • admin - November 22, 2018

    Good Product

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